CKR Visiting Fellows 2020

CKR Visiting Professors 2020

Yoon, Cheol Gee (윤철기), Associate Professor, Department of Ethics Education, Seoul National University of Education, Politics of Marketization in North Korea

Kim, Jih-Un (김지운), Professor, Department of Political Science and Diplomacy, Chungnam National University, “The Tail Wags the Dog” Decoding North Korea’s Perception and Strategy vis-a-vis China

Seong, Moonju (성문주), Associate Professor, Department of Social Welfare, Namseoul University, North Korean Women in South Korea: Issues and Challenges

Hirata, Yukie, Associate Professor, Department of Studies on Contemporary Society, Japan Women’s University, Conflicting Gendered Desires in Korea and Japan


CKR Visiting Scholars 2020

Cho, Bumchul (조범철), Research Fellow, Research Planning, The Korea Transport Institute, New Comprehensive Plan to Implement Smart Mobility for the Undeveloped Countries